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This working mom exclusviely pumped for TWINS for 9 months on her own terms // Megans Story
Megan really wanted to feed her twins at the breast, but switched to exclusive pumping after 10 days of struggling hoping pumping would be easier... but it wasn't! Her goal was 50oz a day for her twins, and after...
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This 8-figure business owner found PEACE and CONTROL while breastfeeding \\ Sunny's Story
Sunny is an eight-figure entrepreneur, business mentor, and also a new mom. When she became a mother, she found that she needed help to meet her breastfeeding goals while continuing to run her business in the peaceful...
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"Maybe I would have hit my goal on my own, but it would have been SO MUCH HARDER" \\ Whitney's Story
Whitney's 1st year included busy work as a pathologist, building a freezer stash, moving that stash across the country for a job change, a baby who doesn't sleep, and so much more! She was able to simplify the process...
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This Physical Therapist was DETERMINED to find a better way the 2nd time around...\\ Heather's Story
Heather is a physical therapist who had a rough first journey pumping at work. She was determined to make it better the second time.. and she did! She has wonderful tips, tricks, and insights that she shares with you...
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How this Midwife found a way to continue breastfeeding in a BUSY job! // Janet's Story
Janet had long-term breastfeeding goals, and also a BUSY job she loves. Despite experience and training in the world of birth, she knew she needed help figuring out pumping. She notices a clear difference between her...
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From counting down the days until 1 year to going BEYOND the mark! // Lhea's story
Lhea has literally been counting down the days until she could stop pumping for the better part of a year, but now that her little one had a birthday, she's finding it difficult to stop! Thankfully, pumping has become...
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Low baby weight gain at 4 weeks and formula recommendations... She choose to master pumping instead! // Client Interview with Christiana
Christiana came to us after she had a visit with her pediatrician at 4 weeks where she learned her baby was not gaining weight well. He recommended formula as the solution, but she had strong desires to breastfeed....
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This 2TM found PEACE in PUMPING after a difficult first experience with overwhelm and oversupply // Client Interview with Lauren
If you had a poor experience pumping previously, it doesn't have to be that way again! Apply for help: https://www.newlittlelife.com/apply
Lauren's story is like so many other working moms, and even with an...
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From drowning in the TikTok Rabbit Hole, to 14+ months successful pumping! // Client Interview with Alexus
Alexus started pumping earlier than she anticipated, and it did not go well. It was filled with daily anxiety, frustration, and not pumping enough milk for her little one. She tried so many pumps, changed jobs, and...
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Balancing work, pumping, 2 kids and Jui Jitsu! // Client Interview with Sam
When we recorded this, Samantha had reached her 6-month pumping goal! She has now surpassed the 9-month mark with no end in sight. She has found a way to pump efficiently, manage expectations, and juggle 2 kids along...
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From milk supply anxiety to peace and balance // Client Interview with Kritika
Kritika is only halfway through her pumping journey, but her transformation has been INCREDIBLE. She has gone from stress and anxiety about her milk supply, to finding peace in pumping and balance in her life. Now,...
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In a male-dominated workplace, she EXCEEDED her feeding goal! // Client Interview with Kristi
Kristi was one of our first working moms to go through the Pumping for Working Moms Program and it was her experience that helped shape the program into what it is today. Her story of making pumping work at work,...
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